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MobADIS – Mobile Addition & Restaurant Automation System

MobADIS – Quick Menu :

Overview Stock Control Packaged Orders
Retail Sale Operations Kitchen Follow Up Addition Follow Up
Preliminary Accounting

MobADIS – Mobile Addition & Restaurant Automation System is built in order to track all details on your company in one hand and on any mobile device. Wherever you are in the World, you can follow all details instantly on your screen.



This software can be used in single or branch restaurants, eating houses, cafés, patisseries, hotels; in brief on every food business related company.

User Interface can be provided with any language you select. You can enter your food products appropriate for your foreign clients and show them with their related pictures in any language (Turkish, English, German, French, Russian and even Chinese).

MobADIS - Addition & Order Screen

MobADIS – Addition & Order Screen

General Specifications :

With MobADIS you can track easily your additions. What order is given from which table ? Which tables are empy and which are full ? From which table payment is made ? Those are some information that you can see on MobADIS.

Apart from that, MobADIS is providing you some scenarios that you can apply on tables.  For example you can join tables, split tables, transfer the clients to another table and track them with the new table.

MobADIS - Table Selection Screen

MobADIS – Table Selection Screen

MobADIS is helping you to track your client’s orders quickly. Given orders are transferred automatically to kitchen and cooking staff begins to prepare these orders. During this preparation, materials used in orders are automatically decreased from warehouse stock and those materails can be tracked easily. With this process you can track ciritical amount for materials and order those if needed; you can also automatize this process. Your food recipes can be configured within MobADIS and by this process, you can calculate cost for any food by this software instantly.

You can also track food preparation time in performance criteria report when an order transferred to cooking staff. Foods in kitchen can be tracked by waiter and inform the customer about how much time needed for preparation. You can prepare any food recipe as you wish and track material – stock relation according those recipes.

MobADIS - Weighing Machine Support

MobADIS – Weighing Machine Support

MobADIS can also provide weighing machine support, meaning that you can use barcode with your food products on sale which are sold by weight , volume or dimensions. You can connect your weighing machine to MobADIS System and use your barcode scanner and printer with weight, volume or dimension support. It can read and print barcode with those specifications.

You can also track sales performance of your branch or regional offices, see their reports consolidated or one by one. You can manage your franchising or restaurant / food chain with those reports. MobADIS system is tested with more than 500 branch offices and proved the ability to manage all those chain branches. You can see actual food / stock amounts instantly with live reports. You can also track your supply chain which delivers all goods to those chain branches. All of those tracking movements can be used with barcode support.

MobADIS – Addition Follow Up

MobADIS – Quick Menu : Overview Stock Control Packaged Orders Retail Sale Operations Kitchen Follow Up Addition Follow Up Preliminary Accounting     MobADIS

MobADIS – Kitchen Follow Up

MobADIS – Quick Menu : Overview Stock Control Packaged Orders Retail Sale Operations Kitchen Follow Up Addition Follow Up Preliminary Accounting     MobADIS

MobADIS – Overview

MobADIS – Packaged Orders

MobADIS – Quick Menu : Overview Stock Control Packaged Orders Retail Sale Operations Kitchen Follow Up Addition Follow Up Preliminary Accounting     MobADIS

MobADIS – Preliminary Accounting

MobADIS – Quick Menu : Overview Stock Control Packaged Orders Retail Sale Operations Kitchen Follow Up Addition Follow Up Preliminary Accounting     MobADIS

MobADIS – Retail Sale Operations

MobADIS – Quick Menu : Overview Stock Control Packaged Orders Retail Sale Operations Kitchen Follow Up Addition Follow Up Preliminary Accounting     MobADIS

MobADIS – Stock Control

MobADIS – Quick Menu : Overview Stock Control Packaged Orders Retail Sale Operations Kitchen Follow Up Addition Follow Up Preliminary Accounting     You can control your stock in MobADIS. No matter if you have only one location or an infrastructure with headquarters, regions and branch offices, you have this control everywhere. The software is …